“Wii Would Like to Play”任天堂が予算2億ドルを費やしたWiiの海外CM

 任天堂がWii発売の直前2006年11月からなんと年内だけで予算2億ドル(当時は200億円以上!)をかけて北米で放送したテレビCMを紹介します。二人の日本人(という設定ですが日系人、中国人かも)がWiiを持ってアメリカ人のお宅に訪問し、”Wii Would Like to Play”と声をかけ、一緒にWiiを楽しむというストーリーです。

“Wii Would Like to Play”ロングバージョン – ニコニコ動画

 さすがにこれだけだと英語の勉強に全くならないので、英語版Wikipediaの「Wii」のページからこのCMシリーズに言及した英文を抜粋します。冒頭のThisは前文の”we want to get new people playing games”という文を受けています。

  This is reflected in Nintendo’s series of television advertisements in North America, directed by Academy Award winner Stephen Gaghan, as well as Internet ads. The ad slogans are “Wii would like to play” and “Experience a new way to play.” These ads ran starting November 15, 2006 and had a total budget of over US$200 million throughout the year. The productions are Nintendo’s first broad-based advertising strategy and include a two-minute video clip showing a varied assortment of people enjoying the Wii system, such as urban apartment-dwellers, country ranchers, grandparents, and parents with their children. The music in the ads is from the song “Kodo (Inside the Sun Remix)” by the Yoshida Brothers. The marketing campaign has proved to be successful: pensioners as old as 103 have been reported to be playing the Wii in the United Kingdom. A report by the British newspaper The People also stated that Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain has played using the console.
