ブラピ主演映画「ベンジャミン・バトン 数奇な人生」の予告編動画・英語スクリプト・日本語字幕

 現在上映中のブラッド・ピット主演映画「ベンジャミン・バトン 数奇な人生」の英語版予告編動画とその英文スクリプト、日本語字幕つきの予告編動画を紹介します。「ベンジャミン・バトン 数奇な人生」は今年の第81回アカデミー賞で作品賞を含む13部門にノミネート、美術賞・視覚効果賞・メイクアップ賞の三部門でオスカー受賞しただけあって、ストーリーと映像が素晴らしい映画です。

映画「ベンジャミン・バトン 数奇な人生」予告編動画英語版

Promise me….. he has a place.
You never know who is coming for you.
Thank you for taking my move back.
What is God’s name?
Confirm he is not a new born , but man well in his eighties, otherwise waiting on his way to the grave.
He’s dying?
Of old age.
God in heaven!
He just looks like my ex-husband
My name is Benjamin, Benjamin Button
How old are you?
Seven, but I look a lot older.
God bless you.
He’s seven.
Benjamin , this is my grand-daughter, Daisy.
Are you sick?
They said I am going to die soon. But maybe not.
You are odd.
You got your sea legs about you, boy?
I think.
He gives me the willies.
That is not for me.
Benjamin, Come on!
Benjamin, where are you going?
Oh… To sea
I send you a post card.
Write me a post card from everywhere.
You have been with many, haven’t you?
Well, I am not dressed.
You look splendid. Just as you are.
Anybody does not want to go war.
Now it’s time to say so.
It’s a funny thing to come home
Oh sweet Jesus!
You realized what’s changed
Benjamin, is you?
Is somebody looking for me?
What you doing here?
Come here, sweep you off your feet or something.
This is my life.
You are almost same age, meaning in the middle.
I was thinking how love would last.
What a shame that is.
Something’s last
Good night , Daisy.
Good night, Benjamin.

・well とっくのとうに
・grave 墓
・ex-husband 別れた夫
・get one’s sea legs 船に慣れる
・willies おじけ give … the williesで ぞっとさせる
・sweep off one’s feet 足をさらう
映画「ベンジャミン・バトン 数奇な人生」予告編日本語字幕付き動画